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Profile image for virtualmarc

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What I’m missing on the fediverse are better migration features.

While you can migrate to another server, the missing feature is to also migrate posts/boosts/likes to the new server instead of just the profile and follows.

And theres no real way to change the software of a server under the same domain.
When I started this instance I tried Mastodon, which was not really working well in container environments back then and was too heavy for an instance for just a handfull of users,
so I switched to GoToSocial which had many problems at the time and the development was pretty inactive.
In the result I switched to Takahe which was pretty promising and actively developed back then (also the multi domain feature and multiple identities per account is pretty nice).

Now Takahe seems pretty dead, no commits since month and zero communication.
But since this instance has been active for over a year now, with some accounts and follows it’s not that easy to switch back over to GoToSocial without losing anything.

The only possible solution for this would be to set up a separate server on a separate domain, migrate the accounts to this server (and wait until the migration fully federated), then shutdown this server and set it up with another server and finally migrate from the separate server to the new instance on this domain.
This still looses all posts, but at least keeps the follows.

Sadly Takahe has not implemented outgoing migrations yet (just incoming) and I don’t know if GoToSocial supports migrations (the GitHub issue is still open, so I guess not).

virtualmarc boosted

9 years after supporting the Kickstarter campaign for Squad my rewards finally arrived (19 Days from Canada to germany via normal post package).

virtualmarc boosted

Niemand liest Schilder.

virtualmarc boosted

Ich habe mein Video zu den diesjährigen Parkleuchten im Grugapark Essen fertiggestellt und nun veröffentlicht:

virtualmarc boosted

Re-Posting einer wichtigen Frage: Brauchst du wirklich ein VPN? Wahrscheinlich nicht, denn die meisten Versprechungen der VPN-Anbieter sind bei näherer Betrachtung nur heiße Luft. Etwas Aufklärung. 👇

virtualmarc boosted

The Game Statistics Network Team wishes all gamers and their families Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. May there be many new games beneath the Christmas tree.

Edited 145d ago
virtualmarc boosted

Das Team vom Game Statistics Network wünscht allen Gamern und ihren Familien ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und viele neue Spiele unter dem Weihnachtsbaum!

Edited 145d ago
virtualmarc boosted

The Instance is blocked on this instance for privacy reasons.

virtualmarc boosted

New comic! Gotta catch 'em all

@takahe Is there any way to change the media URL for S3 Backend?

Cloudflare R2 does not allow access to media files by the S3 Endpoint URL and requires a custom domain.

I can rewrite the media URL’s through nginx for the website, but media sent to another server via ActivityPub remains on the inaccessible URL, so I need a config property to tell Takahe to publish another URL to media files on S3.

virtualmarc boosted

ValvE changed the player api.
The API does not return the playtime per platform (windows, linux, mac) and last played anymore.

The last played timestamp is pretty important for our backend, so I had to shutdown the worker until I find a new solution.

We will be back soon, hopefully!

virtualmarc boosted

Tip: You can use a short link to access your Steam Profile using the Domain

virtualmarc boosted

Our new Bot @gstats_steam_updates now posts updated users and updates of the global statistics!

virtualmarc boosted

The global statistics have been updated!

Games: +70 (181983)
Owned Games: +1 (1967198)
Game Achievements: +308 (2116464)

virtualmarc boosted

Post pinning is now in and working thanks to @christof - plus we've got some compatability fixes in for mentions, bot accounts, and more. 0.9 soon!

virtualmarc boosted

Welcome! We are now on the Fediverse, free to follow from you favorite platform like Mastodon, Friendica, etc.

The Game Statistics Network is a gaming network for game and platform statistics. Our current main platform is Steam, where you can view your playtime, achievement progress and game statistics, but we plan to expand to other platforms (like PSN which is currently in development).

If you want to know more about us visit

Edited 1y ago
virtualmarc boosted

Welcome to our new Fediverse Server, serving accounts for all of our products!